Category Archives: Kindergarten

Dads and Grads Gift Ideas


What a crazy time. I’ve got one graduating college, one graduating high-school, one graduating kindergarten, Father’s Dayand on top of all that, FLAG DAY!

Here are some gift ideas.

1. For the College Grad

When I graduated from Berkeley, my mom gave me a compass to help me navigate through the world. I still have it and will cherish it as a symbol of freedom and exploration. It also came in handy when I got lost on an island in the South China Sea. “Where is that bungalow of mine?”

2. For the High-school Grad

Half boy, half man, going off into the world but still with a foot back home. What could be better than a pet to take to college? A pet that you don’t have to feed, water or walk? Yes, you guessed it: a Pillow Pet! Having a nice snuggly friend waiting for him in his dorm-room after a late lecture will be comforting. Woof Woof.

3. For the Kinder Grad

Since many parents start giving an allowance around this time. Why not take your graduating kindergartner out for a great big banana split, and then to the local bank to set up a savings account?Many banks will set up a free account if you have other accounts at the branch. Kids love counting and saving money. I still remember the day I opened my account, I was seven and it was thrilling. I deposited $7.11.

4. For the Dad

For the baseball fans: my husband requested a book that looked deeply intriguing (to him). So maybe your baseball fan husband or dad will enjoy it too. It’s called “The Greatest Game Ever Pitched: Juan Marichal, Warren Spahn, and the Pitching Duel of the Century”. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack.