Category Archives: Health

Snot Fun: 9 home treatments that might prevent and treat colds

I’ve recently stumbled upon a great body and soul magazine called “Whole Living”. In the December issue there was a smart article about treating colds. I have been sequestered at home with my 6 year old Hannah, who has missed 4 days of school now, and the snottiest cold I’ve ever seen. Yep, just her, me and the COLD. While her cold isn’t a “scary” illness (I am familiar with those), it has used up 6 boxes of super soft Kleenex and has torn up her nose. The first remedy is one I just learned from my friend Maggie Storm, whose mother used chapstick on her blown-out and chapped nose. It seems to work and is fun for Hannah also. She loves that twisty dispenser thingy.  The middle 7 remedies are the ones  recommended by the magazine. The last one?  Well, duh…(tho it’s one I often forget as a multi-tasking mom)

  1. Thar She Blows –  After each nose blow, apply chapstick under and around the nose. It’s not goopy like Aquafor or vaseline, and it creates a nice barrier and keeps the skin from getting thrashed (and heals the skin if it’s already thrashed).
  2. Echinacea –  At first sign of a cold begin taking it. Hopefully it will cut the time the body needs to heal.
  3. Zinc – Try lozenges every one or two hours after onset, it might shorten the duration of the cold.
  4. Probiotics – Eat yogurt or try supplements. It boosts gut strength and strengthens immune systems.
  5. Meditate – Regularly do so and stress levels come down, again strengthening immune systems.
  6. Exercise – Do cardio 5 days a week when healthy.  Even light exercise during a cold might make people feel better and lift spirits.
  7. Honey – Take a spoonful before bed as a cough medicine. It soothes the throat too. (Not for kids under 1)
  8. Vitamin C – Take it at the beginning of a cold – 1000-3000 mg for grown-ups.
  9. REST! Lie down a lot. Bodies need to rest so that they can recharge and recuperate.

Take with optimism, stay healthy and please let me know your favorite remedies for colds.

p.s. I am not a doctor, so please check with yours about these remedies.


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